What Defines You?

The place where I grew up is a wide spot in the road surrounded by Central Illinois cornfields. Whenever I would hear someone give directions to our little town they would inevitably say, “Don’t blink or you will miss it.” That wasn’t far from the truth. As a teenager, I was convinced life was happening […]

We Can Know the Bible & Not Know God

I met my husband in 1998. After nearly 19 years together I can say with confidence that I know him well. For instance, I can tell what kind of mood he is in by the way he answers the phone. I can retell the most significant events in his life. When we go to a […]

Is It OK To Complain To God?

The author and theologian, Eugene Peterson, once said, “Feelings can be great liars.” Undoubtedly, this is true. Feelings and emotions are unpredictable at best. But the kicker is, we all deal with them. For better or worse, they are a part of who we are. How we manage them is up to us. We all […]