5 Words That Changed My Life


My last semester of high school my English teacher said five words that changed my life. As she handed back my graded essay, Ms. Nelson said, “You could be a writer.” It was just a five-word statement, but those words planted hope in me during a time I felt hopeless. In the years to come, I would replay her words over and over in my mind. I’ve always wanted to find her and tell her what her words meant to me. Despite numerous attempts, I’ve never been able to locate her.

Ms. Nelson’s words of encouragement are a prime example of what King Solomon wrote in Proverbs 25:11, “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.”

Have you ever thought about what kind of words do you want to be known for? If asked, how would the people closest to you describe your speech?

Words are so common it’s easy to forget what a miracle they are. Yet the ability to speak and understand words is a gift from God. Words are powerful. They have the ability to heal or destroy.

Words from a judge have the power to send someone to death row. A rumor from the mouth of a coworker has the power to ruin a reputation. Verbal abuse from the lips of a spouse is toxic enough to destroy love. A parent’s cruel tongue has the ability to brand a child’s self image.

On the other hand, a good word has the ability to do remarkable things. A good word can:

  • Encourage
  • Plant hope
  • Give thanks
  • Offer wisdom
  • Forgive
  • Apologize
  • Validate
  • Bring peace
  • Instruct
  • Rescue
  • Cast vision
  • Teach

I’d like to be like the woman described in Proverbs 31:26, “She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.”

I want to speak kind and wise words that help people, but I often say things I shouldn’t. The Bible teaches that no human being can tame his or her own tongue. James 2:8. But God will help us with our speech if we ask Him. What kind of words do you want to be known for? I’d love to hear your comments.

I’ll leave you with a prayer from Day 5 of my e-book, 31 Days of Prayer for Spiritual Growth. You can receive your free copy by subscribing to my blog.

Lord, words are powerful. They have the power to build up and tear down. Words have the power to bless and to curse. (James 3:10). Yet your Word says that no human being can tame the tongue. (James 3:8). But Father, You can tame any tongue and I ask that You tame mine. I pray that my words will be full of grace and helpful to those who hear. (Colossians 4:6). Father, I pray that the words I speak will be kind and true. I pray I will not sin with my speech and will take no part in gossip, flattering, lies, exaggeration, or bragging. I pray my words will not be critical of others but will extend mercy, grace, and forgiveness. Give me words that bless others and are helpful to those who hear. I ask that my speech be full of thanksgiving and worship giving glory and honor to You. I pray I will use my words to tell of Your mighty works and to proclaim Christ to a lost world. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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