Your Most Important Relationship

bench in a summer park recreation

In 1998, when I met my husband, I recall waiting with great hope and anticipation that he would call me and ask me out on a date. Thankfully, he did. After we started dating I remember counting the days until I would get to see him again. I didn’t care where we went. It didn’t matter to me if we went out to a nice restaurant or if we ate fast food in the park. I just wanted to spend time getting to know him and I was willing to adjust my entire schedule to make that happen.

Imagine being summonsed to the top of a mountain by Jesus. I can’t think of anything more thrilling. In Mark 3:13-14 the gospel writer shares the account of Jesus calling his disciples to the top of the mountain and appointing twelve to be apostles.

It’s fascinating that the first thing mentioned in the apostle’s job description is “to be with Him.” During Christ’s earthly ministry he walked shoulder to shoulder with the apostles teaching them about the kingdom of God. They went alongside Jesus when he traveled from place to place teaching and ministering to those who were suffering. They talked with him, shared meals together, and lived in close community with Christ. As they spent time in His presence they learned from Him and became more like Him.

So what does this mean for us? As followers of Christ, our first priority needs to be spending time in His presence. This truth is illustrated in a poignant way at the home of Martha and Mary.

In Luke 10:38-42 we find Jesus and his disciples at his friend’s home. Martha busied herself with the task of being a good host while her sister Mary sat at Jesus’s feet listening to his teaching. When Martha became irritated and mentioned to Jesus that Mary wasn’t doing her part serving the guests Jesus replied, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has made the right choice, and it will not be take from her.”

Clearly, there is nothing wrong with being a good host. In fact, hospitality is a biblical concept. However, if we choose serving Christ over spending time with Christ then we have made the wrong choice.

We live in a society that will force an endless supply of distractions on us if we allow it. There will always be something that needs to be done. If we want to know and follow Christ, it is necessary for us to spend time in His presence. There is nothing in our life more important than our relationship with Jesus. There is no greater joy than knowing Him. So let’s do whatever it takes to make that happen.

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