Why I Thank God For Baseball


Unless you’ve been unconscious for the last 36 hours, you’ve probably heard the Chicago Cubs won the World Series for the first time since 1908. As a lifelong Cubs fan, it’s been an exciting week of heart-pounding baseball. Actually, it’s been a magical season. In a year filled with a contentious political debate that some days felt like a toxic cocktail being poured down my throat, America’s favorite pastime has proven to be a much-needed respite from the insanity of a 24-hour news cycle that has spewed a steady stream of rancor.

With these things in mind, I’m not kidding when I say, “Thank God for baseball.”

God has provided all of us, believers and non-believers alike, with common graces that make life more bearable. Perhaps baseball isn’t your thing. If you look around, I’d be willing to bet you can identify comforts that make your life more enjoyable. For instance, my big ones are dogs, books, music, and baseball. My life is far more enjoyable because of these common graces. The Creator of heaven and earth didn’t just provide the necessities we need to get by. Oh no, His creativity extends much further than the basics. He’s provided a bevy of comforts that make our time on this planet far more fun. We short-change our relationship with God when we fail to recognize these comforts come straight from His hand.

The Psalmist spoke of this in Psalm 92:4, “For you, O LORD, have made me glad by your work: at the words of your hands I sing for joy.”

As Christians, we do ourselves a favor when we take the time to connect the dots between the secular and divine. Is baseball secular in nature? Of course, it is. But we can’t forget that God is the Designer of all things. God supplied the ingenuity to man, who designed the game. It was God who fashioned the players with the talent they have to entertain us with their athletic ability. God wired the baseball executives, scouts, and general managers with the skill sets they have to lead the team. And it is God who provides us with the ability to enjoy the graces He has given to mankind.

What do you enjoy?

Are you mindful that all good things come from the hand of God?

Common graces make life bearable. That’s why I thank God for baseball.

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2 Responses

  1. So perfectly said. In the ’60s as young boy I would regularly go out to my backyard alone at 6:30 am and act out baseball scenes. The irritating thump of bat on ball was all my sleepy neighbors could hear. Right handed swings to be Ernie or Santo, left handed to be Billy. Baseball is a great gift. Since I became a Christian at 24, now that 6:30 am time is spent with Him. Your words really connected me to the fact that baseball (and the Cubs) come from His sovereign creative graciousness.